Monday, March 27, 2006

Free yoga exercise Number 5

Sit in front of a table, placing your hands upon the table, the fistsclinched and lying with the back of the hand upon the table, the thumbbeing doubled over the fingers.

Fix your gaze upon the fist for awhileand then slowly extend the thumb, keeping your whole attention fixedupon the act, just as if it was of the greatest importance.

Then slowlyextend your first finger, then your second and so on, until they are allopen and extended.
Then reverse the process, closing first the littlefinger and continuing the closing until the fist is again in its originalposition, with the thumb closed over the fingers. Repeat with left hand.Continue this exercise 5 times at a sitting, then increase to 10 times.
Don't forget to keep your attention closely fixed upon the fingermovements. That is the main point.

See you soon