Monday, March 27, 2006

Free yoga exercise Number 5

Sit in front of a table, placing your hands upon the table, the fistsclinched and lying with the back of the hand upon the table, the thumbbeing doubled over the fingers.

Fix your gaze upon the fist for awhileand then slowly extend the thumb, keeping your whole attention fixedupon the act, just as if it was of the greatest importance.

Then slowlyextend your first finger, then your second and so on, until they are allopen and extended.
Then reverse the process, closing first the littlefinger and continuing the closing until the fist is again in its originalposition, with the thumb closed over the fingers. Repeat with left hand.Continue this exercise 5 times at a sitting, then increase to 10 times.
Don't forget to keep your attention closely fixed upon the fingermovements. That is the main point.

See you soon

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Free yoga exercise by A. P. Mukerji

Sit erect in your chair, with your head up, chin out and shouldersback. Raise your right arm until it is level with your shoulders,pointing to the right. Turn your head and fix your gaze on your hand andhold the arm perfectly steady for one minute. Repeat with left arm.Increase the time gradually to 5 minutes. The palms of the hands shouldbe turned downwards.
The following yoga exercises are meant to aid you in getting under control,such mental faculties will produce voluntary movements.

See you soon for another free yoga exercise


Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Free yoga Exercise N° 3

Free yoga Exercise N° 3

Fill a wine glass full of water and taking the glass between the fingers,extend arm directly in front of you.
Fix your eyes upon the glass andendeavour to hold your arm so steady that no quiver will be noticeable.
Commence with one minute exercise and increase until the 5 minutes limitis reached. Alternate right and left arms. Increase to 15 minutes.
See you soon

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Free yoga exercise - Exercise N° 2

Free yoga exercise N° 2

Well I hope you enjoy the last exercise, today it's a new yoga exercise. Have fun

Cultivate a self-poised attitude and demeanour in your everyday life.Avoid a tense, strained, nervous, fidgety manner and an over-anxiousappearance.

Be easy, self-possessed and dignified in your bearing.

Be courteous, thoughtful and quiet.

Mental exercise and Will-Culturewill enable you to acquire the proper carriage and demeanour. Stopswinging your feet and moving your hands or rocking your selfbackwards in your chair while talking or sitting. Stop biting your nails,chewing your moustaches, rolling your tongue in your mouth or anyother unnecessary movement such as may have become "second nature"with you while studying, reading or writing.

Never twitch or jerk yourbody. Never wink your eyes or look blank.

Train yourself to standsudden and loud noises with equanimity and composure. Such thingsbetray lack of control.

Do not let anything outside (or even within you)disturb your composure. When engaged in conversation let your speechbe calm and measured and your voice well-controlled and even. A certaindegree of reserve should always be observed.

In short, keep yourselfwell under control on all occasions.

You can acquire this poise byalways carrying the thoughts of "Firmness," "Self-Control", and"Self-Respect" in your mind and letting these express themselves in youroutward bearing. Avoid bluster, self-assertion, gossip, levity or lighttalk, too much laughter, excitement and so forth. Too much laughterweakens the will. Be a quiet, earnest-thinking being. Be serious. Regard"solitude" as the greatest medium of self-development.

See you tomorrow and don't forget you need to ha ve fun

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Free yoga exercise - Exercise N°1

Yoga Exercise 1.

Hy ,

Today is the first exercise.

Yoga Exercise 1.
Sit still; relax your body all over and then neck, chest, and head heldin a straight line; legs crossed one under the other and weight of thebody resting easily upon the ribs; right hand on right leg, left handon left leg.

There should not be a single movement of the muscles inany part of the body. Mind, you must avoid all rigidness and tension ofthe body. There should not be the least strain on muscles.

You shouldbe able to "relax" completely.

Start with 5 minutes. Continue till youcan accomplish the 5 minutes sitting without any conscious effort,increase to 15 minutes which is about all you need. The aim is to giveyou absolute dominion over all involuntary muscular movements. It is alsoan ideal "rest-cure" after fatiguing physical and mental exercise orexertion.

The principal thing is "STILLNESS" and you can, if you like,practise it even sitting on a chair or anywhere else; the idea is one of"relaxation" and physical and mental quietude. Let not the apparentsimplicity of this exercise deceive you.

It is not so very easy afterall. You will find that by concentrating the mind upon a particulartrain of thoughts or ideas or by joining the mind to the Larger Self,you can easily lose all idea of the body and thus maintain this stillnessfor a considerable length of time.

Genius, inspiration and intuitionare more or less the scientific and psychological results ofself-forgetfulness. "When he sits down to meditate," it was said ofVivekananda, "in 10 minutes he becomes quite unconscious of the bodyalthough it may be black with mosquitoes." Do you understand now?

Absolute physical self-forgetfulness is essential to deep concentration.Dr. Fahnestock called it the "STATUVOLIC" condition or that state inwhich the Will-Power is really active and the 'outer-self' is totally inabeyance and forgotten.

See you tomorrow ? Please give me yours comments about yoga exercise.


Friday, March 17, 2006

Free yoga exercise Preliminary steps

Free yoga exercise

"The first requisite," for free yoga exercise says Mr. Atkinson, "of concentering is theability to shut out outside thoughts, sights and sounds; to conquerinattention; to obtain perfect control over the body and mind.
The bodymust be brought under the control of the mind; the mind under thedirect control of the Will.
The Will is strong enough, but the mind needsstrengthening by being brought under the direct influence of the will.The mind, strengthened by the impulse of the will, becomes a much morepowerful projector of thought vibrations than otherwise and thevibrations have much greater force and effect."
The first four yoga exercises are meant to train the mind to readily obey thecommands of the mind.
Take them in the privacy of your own room and nevertalk of them to others. Also do not let their apparent simplicity leadyou to neglect them.
If you are one of those empty-brained men who goabout talking of their yoga exercises hoping in this way to win praise, youwill never succeed.
Be serious, earnest and sincere in your work. Giveup, once for ever, all fickle-mindedness and learn to accumulate Power insilence and through work. Prayer gives you strength to "work"--the answercomes from your Larger Self--which is the Spirit of God "brooding" overall and pouring strength into all. But do not fly in the face of DEITY byexpecting it to "do the work" for you while you go about loafing afteroffering your prayer. Nonsense.
That man prays who works constantly,silently, patiently, unceasingly and intelligently.
See you soon for the first free yoga exercise
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Free yoga exercise

Free yoga exercise

Soon free yoga exercise for you .