Sunday, March 19, 2006

Free yoga exercise - Exercise N° 2

Free yoga exercise N° 2

Well I hope you enjoy the last exercise, today it's a new yoga exercise. Have fun

Cultivate a self-poised attitude and demeanour in your everyday life.Avoid a tense, strained, nervous, fidgety manner and an over-anxiousappearance.

Be easy, self-possessed and dignified in your bearing.

Be courteous, thoughtful and quiet.

Mental exercise and Will-Culturewill enable you to acquire the proper carriage and demeanour. Stopswinging your feet and moving your hands or rocking your selfbackwards in your chair while talking or sitting. Stop biting your nails,chewing your moustaches, rolling your tongue in your mouth or anyother unnecessary movement such as may have become "second nature"with you while studying, reading or writing.

Never twitch or jerk yourbody. Never wink your eyes or look blank.

Train yourself to standsudden and loud noises with equanimity and composure. Such thingsbetray lack of control.

Do not let anything outside (or even within you)disturb your composure. When engaged in conversation let your speechbe calm and measured and your voice well-controlled and even. A certaindegree of reserve should always be observed.

In short, keep yourselfwell under control on all occasions.

You can acquire this poise byalways carrying the thoughts of "Firmness," "Self-Control", and"Self-Respect" in your mind and letting these express themselves in youroutward bearing. Avoid bluster, self-assertion, gossip, levity or lighttalk, too much laughter, excitement and so forth. Too much laughterweakens the will. Be a quiet, earnest-thinking being. Be serious. Regard"solitude" as the greatest medium of self-development.

See you tomorrow and don't forget you need to ha ve fun