Tuesday, August 21, 2007

A Beginner’s Guide To Yoga Positions

A Beginner’s Guide To Yoga Positions

Yoga is increasingly gaining popularity as more and more people resort to it in an effort to de-stress after a hectic, chaotic day. If you are new to yoga and have decided to go it alone and not join a yoga class, you would need to do a lot of research on yoga positions for beginners. With the wealth of information on yoga available to you at your fingertips, all you need now is time to sift through it all and come up with the ideal program that suits you best.

Though a lot of yoga positions for beginners are easily available, it is not as easy as it sounds. You need to familiarize yourself with some basics before you get started or else you could end up tying yourself into a knot.

The most important things you need to know if you want to take up yoga are the prerequisites for yoga. There are certain dos and don’ts that you absolutely have to adhere to. Yoga, though a rather flexible activity is rather inflexible in many ways. Yoga can be practiced by people of all ages, but it is recommended that children under the age of twelve practice yoga only for shorts periods of time. If you are doing yoga for health reasons, you should be aware that to achieve the full health benefits of yoga you need to devote a minimum of 30-45 minutes a day towards yoga practice. The ideal time to practice yoga is early morning when you have just woken up from a restful sleep and the rest of the world is still asleep and peaceful. Yoga can also be practiced later in the day, but you have to make sure that certain diet restrictions are followed.

The philosophy of yoga recommends that yoga should be ideally practiced on an empty stomach. That’s one of the reasons why the best time to practice yoga is early in the morning. You need to plan your diet for the day if you plan on practicing yoga positions anytime during the day. Any liquid has to be had a minimum of one hour before yoga practice. Solid food, though allowed, should be eaten in limited quantities.

Yoga should ideally be practiced in an airy spacious room, free from any distractions and disturbances, as you need intense concentration to get it right. Apart from this, all you need for yoga is a carpet or a floor mat and loose comfortable clothing. It is recommended that you wear undergarments while practicing yoga.

Yoga is very beneficial towards your physical as well as mental well-being. It relaxes the body and stimulates the mind. If done well and all the rules are adhered to, the benefits could be amazing. To achieve ultimate results, the beginner must have absolute faith in the practice of yoga and must learn to concentrate fully on the every little movement during practice.

Appareils photo numériques

Saturday, August 11, 2007


(_a_) In all undertakings whether of small or great importance shut
off all thoughts and ideas except such as have any immediate and direct
bearing upon the thing in hand. Pay attention. Bend all the energies
of your mind and will upon it till it is completed to your satisfaction.
Divert your attention from one thing to another only when you sanction
by a resolve and understand why you do so. Your daily work which you
must choose according to the special bent of your mind, will present you

(_b_) Control impulse. Suppose an idea enters your mind. Compose
yourself quietly before carrying out its purport. Consider it. Turn
it over in your mind. Contemplate it. Weave your mental energies
around it, as it were, till at last the idea with your final decision
stands out clear-cut and well-defined. Then proceed to act it out
physically with your mental concentration cutting a way for you straight
on to the execution of your designing. This is _forethought_.

(_c_) In perfect concentration time vanishes. In working out a
design on which you have set your heart dispense altogether with the
element of time and work at it concentratedly for days, months and
years with confident expectation of success.

(_d_) Take a picture, representing a landscape, the interior of a
building, an assembly of persons, a square, a triangle or a more
complicated geometrical figure. Look at it well. Then lay it aside. Close
your eyes. Reproduce the picture mentally in detail. Then repose your
mind on the same image to the exclusion of all other thoughts. This is
a more fixed and meditative method and will sharpen the mind wonderfully.
It will also develop the power of conscious Mental Imagery. The
key to Objective Concentration is _Conscious Attention_, remember.

Welcome to a new blog, which belongs to a friend of mine Appareil photo numerique is about digital camera in french.